How do I find unclaimed property?

If the money is from a foreclosure sale FS 717: you may contact the Department of Financial Services (DFS) in Tallahassee. Telephone: 850-413-2014 Website:

The clerk's office sends a report to DFS every year by April 1st, at that time all funds are turned over to DFS and are no longer available through our office.

If funds have not yet been turned over to DFS, you may file a motion to have the funds released. If the funds you are seeking are surplus from a foreclosure case, you may obtain the form in our self-help packages via the link on our home screen.

A $50 reopen fee may be assessed unless you have been appointed the Surplus Trustee in the case you are seeking the funds from. 

If the money is other than a from a foreclosure sale/case: FS 116.21

The clerk will send a letter to people regarding registry funds that are being held inside the cases for registry money.

In their letter, it tells them what to do:

 Submit a motion and proposed order to the clerk; ensure there is a case number on their pleadings and include an accurate mailing address.

 Upon filing, the clerk will send the proposed order to the assigned Judge on the case.

It will be up to the Judge if they are granted the money. No funds can be released without a court order.

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