Does the minister need to bring anything to show proof before signing the marriage license?

No, there is a section for the officiant to sign and title on the license.

Who may perform marriage ceremonies?

  • A regularly ordained minister or other ordained clergy;
  • Elders in communion with some church;
  • All judicial officers (Judges) of the State of Florida;
  • Notaries Public of the State of Florida only.
  • In addition, the law provides that marriages may be performed among "Quakers" or "Friends," in the manner and form used or practiced in their societies.

Note: Boat Captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in the State of Florida unless they are otherwise qualified as provided above. Marriage ceremonies must take place within Florida’s state boundaries.

Who is a "regularly ordained minister"?
He/she is a minister who has been recognized in the manner required by the regulations of the respective denomination to perform marriage ceremonies.

We’re from out-of-state, and we want to bring our regularly ordained minister with us to perform the ceremony in Florida. May we do this?

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