A Quiet Title Action is a lawsuit that is brought in circuit court to clear a party's title to real property. The purpose of a quiet title action is to eliminate all claims to the title, which might stand in the way of a title insurance company issuing a clear title insurance policy. Liens, claims by prior owners, and other matters affecting title are called clouds on title. The purpose of a quiet title action is to eliminate any of these clouds on the title.
In short, quiet title actions help to clarify title issues involving real property. All parties who might claim an interest in the real property are notified of the lawsuit and given a chance to assert their interest in the real property. If nobody comes forward then the court can issue a judgment quieting title in the Plaintiff's favor. This is the ultimate goal of the quiet title action. However, if someone does come forward then the court must determine the interests of the parties in the real property and enter a judgment accordingly.
The filing fee is $400 - the Clerk's Office does not carry the paperwork for this action.