How can a Subpoena/Summons be delivered/served?

Learn how to properly deliver a Subpoena/Summons, how to cancel a court date when it remains un-served, and access a list of process servers.

An issued Subpoena or Summons may be served by either the sheriff or a private process server.

A return of Summons or Subpoena un-served will not automatically cancel a hearing.

If you wish to cancel a hearing you may file a Notice of Cancellation of Hearing (for civil cases). Additionally, a motion may be filed to reschedule or continue the hearing.  Proposed orders should be submitted as per OCAD 2016-04.

NOTE: There may be circumstances when these steps are not an appropriate form. The clerk's office cannot advise on the legal process - you may wish to seek the advice of an attorney before proceeding. 

Process Servers:

You may review a list of process servers by following the link below:

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