How can I set, request, change, or reschedule a hearing date?

Defendant’s / Respondent's / Plaintiff's / Petitioners contact your attorney or file your request in your case. The clerk's office does not have the authority to change a court date. 

Attorneys requesting to schedule ONLY felony or dependency may email the court team at

Requests from attorneys to schedule hearings OTHER THAN felony or dependency should contact the assigned judge’s office.

Other Information:

CF (felony)/CJ (juvenile)/ DP(dependency)/MM/CT (misdemeanor/criminal traffic) - court dates cannot be changed without a motion/order for continuance or granted from the Judge. The clerk's office cannot discuss or acknowledge DP or CJ case types.

SC (small claims) depends on the status of the case. If you are requesting a continuance of a pretrial conference date due to non-service: If the hearing date has passed, an affidavit of non-service should be filed along with a request for Alias summons. If you are requesting a continuance for any other reason you must file a request to the Judge.  

TR (traffic) cases cannot be rescheduled by the clerk, you must submit an affidavit of defense and file in your case. The clerk will forward your request to the court. It is the defendant's responsibility to check the status.

***If you have an attorney you should contact them for further information***

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