Child Support Payments/DOR questions

Payment options and inquiries for Child Support

Customers can pay online: @

If they are in the local area, they can come into the courthouse located in Crestview or Fort Walton Beach and pay with cash or a money order

They may mail a payment to include your name and case number on this payment: They accept, personal checks and money orders


PO BOX 8500

Tallahassee, FL 32413-8500


For other callers inquiring about Driver’s License suspension, bank levies, balances, or tax returns Please refer them to, this will offer them an online chat to use.

 When callers state they were told to call the local DOR office: that is not us, the phone number is 850-689-7852, and the address:


2810 Richburg Lane

Crestview, FL 32539

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