- What are the different types of crimes and how are they categorized? There are two primary categories of criminal charges. They consist of Felony and...
- Victim advocate (criminal cases) In a criminal case, the State attorneys office victim advocate number is 850-651-...
- I am applying for clemency, what do I need to do? Contact the Florida Commission on Offender Review toll-free 1-800-435-8286 or web...
- Why is the length of probation counted after release from prison instead of probation being run concurrent with time incarcerated? That is a decision made by the court. The court has discretion to run the probati...
- Why isn't the public defender appointed in MM (misdemeanor) cases when already appointed in CF (felony) cases? MM/CT court is a county court case and a circuit judge does not have jurisdiction...
- Do I have an open warrant/detainer/capias out for my arrest and what do I do now? The clerk's office is unable to provide you with information relating to Warrants...
- Do I have a public defender assigned to my case? The clerk's office can review your case to see if a public defender has been assi...
- When will the jail receive paperwork to release an inmate? Clerk minute sheets are sent to the jail at the conclusion of court proceedings. ...
- How can I get a background check done? For any criminal record search contact FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcemen...
- Where do I take the drug and alcohol class that was ordered in my CT or MM case? We are not able to refer a location, please contact the Probation office....
- Teen Court Who do I contact for Teen Court? Please contact Michelle Griffin at 850-609-4914....
- DUI; Interlock Device How do I get the interlock device removed from my vehicle? You should contact the...
- Can I get early termination of probation? You will need to contact your probation officer for this information...
- Community Service Information COMMUNITY SERVICE INFORMATION If your request to perform community service in lie...
- I was arrested for drinking underage while on Spring Break, what do I do? Misdemeanor Case types MM Are you over the age of 18? If you are not over 18 ple...
- Am I convicted Felon? The clerk's office cannot advise you of convictions. Contact the Florida Commis...
- Do I need to register as a felon? Where do I register as a felon? Yes, under certain circumstances. You should check with your probation officer ...
- How does a bondsman surrender a bond? A bondsman surrenders a bond by taking the defendant to the jail to turn him in, ...
- I have fees to pay in a felony case, can I sign up for a payment plan? You may sign up for a payment plan, if you are not on probation. There is a one ...
- I am getting a refund/disbursement check and need to update my address, what do I do? REFUNDS or DISBURSEMENTS: You may file a change of address form in the correspond...
- I would like to request a Jury pre-trial hearing in my criminal case rather than a Judge's pre-trial. What is the process? Judge's pre-trial dates are set by the court. You may motion the court for chang...
- Can I get a copy of a deposition from my criminal case? If a deposition has been filed in your case, you may obtain a copy for $1 per pag...
- How do I revoke a bond? A Judicial order is required to revoke a bond....
- I have been ordered to pay restitution, where can I pay? Restitution may be paid to the Probation office. If you are not on active probat...
- I was the victim of a crime, how can I apply for restitution? To apply for restitution you may contact the State Attorney's office 850-651-7260...
- Why is my bond being applied to other cases? When a depositor signs for a cash bond, they agree to comply with F.S. 903.286 wh...
- I have been ordered to attend an Anger Management course, can you provide a list of approved classes? Okaloosa county clerk will accept any Florida certificate of completion. Howeve...
- Who is the states attorney? Information about the Office of the State Attorney for the First Judicial Circuit...